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From Chemical Engineering @ UP wiki
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(Software tools)
(Analysis Equipment Booking)
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''([[News (old)|Older news]])''
''([[News (old)|Older news]])''
==Topical links==
Things that are topical/are being discussed now, discussed on the wiki:
* [[Data processing]]
* [[Tea Club]]
* [[Calculating Marks]] for the exams (and allocating supps)
* [[Paper Trail]], including the [[Undergraduate external]] process
* Arrangements for [[Visitors]]
* [http://www.up.ac.za/up-wireless-network UP Wireless Network page]
* [[Interactive teaching tools]]
* [[New members of staff]]
* [[#Engineering 2 Access Control Links|Access control]]
* [[AnkiApp]] can be used to memorise things like student names
* [http://chemeng.up.ac.za/timetables Timetables (Undergraduate)]
* [[Calendars]]
* [[Cloud policy]]
* [http://www.up.ac.za/en/chemical-engineering/article/21485/current-students Safety documentation] can be found on the Current Students area of the departmental website
* [https://github.com/ChemEngUP/techreports/releases Guidelines for editing reports]
* [[Office365]] is available for free to UP students and staff
* [[ECSA Exit level outcomes]]
* [[Scientific Workflows]] page
* Calculating the [[UP student number checksum]].
* [[Help:Uploading|How to upload files on the wiki]]
* Add your [[Scopus stats]] to your website
* [[Analytical Instruments]]
== Video Lectures ==
The following youtube channels/playlists are known to be from the department
* [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKVbipzS7azclVW7h1mQpEg Departmental videos]
* [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRlcDYSNa-_-o9GfINMpK_Bu5gn-gMGnD Dynamics and Control CPN321 and CPB410] (Carl Sandrock)
* [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRlcDYSNa-_-QunEYBaxXqeTWmcUWiQbE Chemical Engineering CIR211] (Carl Sandrock)
* [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRlcDYSNa-_-TfPWOl0JGt5NLPuLf5XFP Technical documents in MS Word] (Carl Sandrock)
* [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9kCO3DMNNKHSMW-_vihLeQ Thermodynamics CTD223] (Elizbé du Toit)
* [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0EN6xSRqtSStHFlC9TeO8I538CAN2exs Biochemical Engineering CBI310] (Willie Nicol)
Many of these videos use [http://explaineverything.com/ Explain Everything] and the [http://jupyter.org/ Jupyter Notebook].
==PC setup==
==PC setup==
* [[WiFi]] Login
* [[Eduroam]] instructions
* [[Eduroam]] instructions
* [[GroupWise]] server settings
* [[Python]]
* Set up P: drive ([[Map network drives]])
* [[Dropbox]]
* Setting up [[Sage]] and [[Python]]
* [[Google Drive]]
* Setting up [[Dropbox]]
* Setting up [[VPN]] to access the shared drives and the wiki from off campus
* [[Setting up VPN]] to access the shared drives and the wiki from off campus
* Browser and Operating System [[proxy setting]]
* The use of a the [[Proxy Autentication]]
* Setting up your [[Backups]]
* Setting up your [[Backups]]
* Setting up of EBIT shared [[Printers]]
* Non Gmail web based [[Email Client]] setup
==Software tools==
==Software tools==
* [https://trello.com/chemengup Trello] for project / task managment
* [https://trello.com/chemengup Trello] for project / task management
** Download the OS specific app [https://trello.com/platforms here]
** Download the OS specific app [https://trello.com/platforms here]
* [https://chemengup.slack.com Slack] for internal short communication
* [https://chemengup.slack.com Slack] for internal short communication
** Download the OS specific app [https://slack.com/downloads here]
** Download the OS specific app [https://slack.com/downloads here]
* [https://chemengup.on.spiceworks.com/portal Ticketing system] for issues at the deparment
* [https://chemengup.on.spiceworks.com/portal Ticketing system] for issues at the deparment
** Download the OS specificapp [http://www.spiceworks.com/downloads here]
** Download the OS specific app [http://www.spiceworks.com/downloads here]
* You shuold use [[Version Control]] for your code. Look at these [[GitHub Repositories]] for other staff members.
* You should use [[Version Control]] for your code. Look at these [[GitHub Repositories]] for other staff members.
* [[Using Gmail]]
* [[Using Gmail]]
* [[Managing passwords]]
* [[Managing passwords]]
* [[Using TeamViewer]]
==Venue bookings==
==Venue bookings==
* [http://chemengup.skedda.com Booking system] for the Department's rooms
* [http://chemengup.skedda.com Booking system] for the Department's rooms
* [http://wrb.up.ac.za/wrb/ Web Room Bookings] - make your own ad hoc bookings. This is also available as a Portlet on the UP staff portlets page.
* [http://wrb.up.ac.za/wrb/ Web Room Bookings] - make your own ad hoc bookings. This is also available as a Portlet on the UP staff portlets page.
* [http://labadmin Computer lab bookings] - for example the engineering labs
* [http://labadmin Computer lab bookings] - for example the engineering labs. Note this link only works on campus or via the [[Setting up VPN|VPN]]
* For testing purposes only! [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UUNWYTcwcURnaU1OfGRlZmF1bHR8Mjg0NGYyM2MzZDczNzE2NTdmY2YwZWJmY2UxNmU5ZjM Engineering 2, R 2-46]
* For testing purposes only! [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UUYtTGhXX0RkRDdQfGRlZmF1bHR8NjNjOTgzOGE2YjMyNDczNWI0NGZhODQ2MzdhYTgxMDg PerkinElmer Spectrum 100 FTIR]
* [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UURYWHNVZlYtVnRzfGRlZmF1bHR8M2VhYTJiOWMyMjYxN2YxMTJlZWZiZjMxZTAxNzQyM2Q Twin Screw Extruder]
==Topical links==
==Analysis Equipment Booking==
Things that are topical/are being discussed now, discussed on the wiki:
* [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=dXAuYWMuemFfcjZ2MmxmbmlkajI4ZzF1ODFodDZobmpjZGdAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100 FTIR]
* Final year [https://mecheng.up.ac.za/ project assignment website]
* The departmental calendar on [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=2b4p6ssfh1rr2t5nqhg7lupltk%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Africa/Johannesburg Google Calendar]
//* [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=up.ac.za_r6v2lfnidj28g1u81ht6hnjcdg%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Africa%2FJohannesburg Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100 FTIR]
* [[Scientific Workflows]] page
* [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UVBhdERwMWlZYUQzfGRlZmF1bHR8MzYxN2UzY2ViODJlMDVlNDU3MjNhNjYyNWIzM2JmNDY Hitachi U-3900 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer]
* [[Calculating Marks]] for the exams (and allocating supps)
* [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UVBWNEtOaXdTRFJ6fGRlZmF1bHR8OWVlOTIyY2Q1OTJkZGIwOTJhZTc0Yjk5NGEzYmE0NGY Micrometrics TriStar II BET]
* View the [http://chemeng.up.ac.za/timetables automatically generated timetables]
* [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UU05d29pTHdRX3J6fGRlZmF1bHR8MTk3ZGE0YjExNGU4Mjc4OWI0OTE3ZDQwZTYxMDNjYzI Hitachi STA7300 TGA-DTA]
* Calculating the [[UP student number checksum]].
* [[Help:Uploading|How to upload files on the wiki]]
* the [[Undergraduate external]] process
* Add your [[Scopus stats]] to your website
==Engineering 2 Access Control Links==
Please select from the following options or visit the [[Engineering 2 Access Control Information]] page
'''Also note that updates to the access control database will only be implemented on Fridays, requests submitted on a Friday will only be processed the following Friday.  This includes request for disabling card access doors.'''
* Visit [[Engineering 2 Access Control Information]], for more information on the correct and/or necessary procedures.
* [https://goo.gl/forms/OBCaPKluta3zaimg1 Ad Hoc Access Form] (or click [https://goo.gl/forms/BiG5mbgXtb7FY6CB2 here] for multiple user version) to add access for contractors, vac-work students or lab specific access such as Pyrotechnics Lab etc.
* [https://goo.gl/forms/UvhRjlBAa4KomQUQ2 Request for Doors to be Disabled/Opened].
* For requests for access or UP Google account for external users, click [[Engineering 2 Access Control Information|here]].
==Undergraduate Program==
*For more information on the undergraduate modules go to the [[Curriculum]]
*The current undergraduate assessment schedules is available here: [[Assessment Schedules]]
===Final year research project (CSC411)===
* [[CSC 411]] design project project allocation
* [[CSC 411]] design project project allocation
* [[Analytical Instruments]]
* CSC411 [https://mecheng.up.ac.za/ project assignment website]
* Signing of student's "Red File"
* Regular (weekly) signing of student logbooks
* Do not use mark sheets - these have been replaced by rubrics in ClickUP
===Special Examinations===
See [https://www.up.ac.za/en/yearbooks/2019/EBIT-faculty/rules/Faculty%20Rules the faculty rules].
Finalists qualify to apply to write a special exam when they
* have a maximum of 2 modules (excluding CSC or CPJ) outstanding before they can graduate
* have had exam entrance for the modules for which they apply.
Apply for a special exam with Admin, Level 6 Eng I. (Mr Makhasa)
Inform the relevant lecturer that you have applied for a special exam & find out about the required preparations.
The dates, times & venue for the special exams will be indicated below on [https://www.up.ac.za/en/chemical-engineering/article/1821688/timetables the departmental web page]
Automatic reference tracking and quick search of papers you read
Automatic reference tracking and quick search of papers you read
* Free/open source plugin for Firefox users: [http://zotero.org Zotero]
* Free/open source plugin for Firefox users: [http://zotero.org Zotero]
* UP pays lots for [http://www.refworks.com RefWorks] -- see the [http://0-www.refworks.com.innopac.up.ac.za/tutorial/ tutorial]
* [https://www.mendeley.com Mendeley]
* UP also has a licence for [http://www.http://endnote.com/ EndNote] -- see [http://up-za.beta.libguides.com/c.php?g=345213 guide and downloading] page (Style files [ftp://ragnarok.up.ac.za/publicftp/wiki_docs/endnote-stylefiles.zip here])
* UP pays lots for [http://www.refworks.com RefWorks] -- see the [https://proquest.libguides.com/newrefworks guide]
* UP also has a licence for [http://endnote.com EndNote] -- see [http://up-za.beta.libguides.com/c.php?g=345213 guide and downloading] page ([[File:endnote-stylefiles.zip|Style files]])
==Quick Links==
==Quick Links==
Line 80: Line 158:
*Learn from other's [[common mistakes]].
*Learn from other's [[common mistakes]].
*[http://www.library.up.ac.za/ebit/eresources_engineering.htm Engineering E-Sources of UP]
*[http://www.library.up.ac.za/ebit/eresources_engineering.htm Engineering E-Sources of UP]
* The [http://cache.org/ CACHE project] collects resources for computer aids in chemical engineering.
* [https://github.com/whitead/numerical_stats Numerical statistics] using Jupyter notebooks and Python
* [https://up-za.libguides.com/c.php?g=485435 Postgraduate research guide]
==Research links==
* Access many dissertations and theses produced in South Africa at the [http://www.netd.ac.za/ National ETD Portal]
* The NRF maintains a [http://stardata.nrf.ac.za/ database of current and past research projects called Nexus]
==Undergraduate tech needs==
* Pocket calculators: Casio fx-991es PLUS or fx-570es PLUS or the newer fx-991ex or fx-570ex or SHARP EL-W516
* Comparison of non-programmable pocket calculators for undergraduate studies can be found [http://members.bex.net/jtcullen515/math8.htm here] and [http://www.numericana.com/answer/casio.htm here]
* Laptop: 15.6", Intel i5 or i7 CPU, >= 4 GB RAM, > 3 USB ports, a/b/g/n/ac WLAN, 1440 x 900 or above display resolution, > 500 GB HDD or 256 GB SSD
* Tablet: Preferable 9.7 " display
* Flash disk: > 8 GB USB Memory Stick
* Printer (laser preferred)
==Telephone Directory==
Online telephone lists are also available at the following addresses:
*[https://www1.up.ac.za/upphone/faces/search?_adf.ctrl-state=aeatmvd35_23 Portal Telephone Directory].  This link will only work if you have logged into the UP portal.
*[http://mx1.up.ac.za/ldap/search/action Tuks LDAP]. To use this you must be connected to the UP network.
==Analysis Equipment==
Several different analytical equipment is available in the department for use by researched and students.  These equipment can be used by all with prior arrangement with the Custodian for the specific units. A list of the available analysis and equipment is listed below:
* Particle size analysis and Zeta potential analysis ([[PSA]])

Latest revision as of 14:35, 20 October 2020

Welcome to the Chemical Engineering department's server. The main interface is a Wiki, and the links in this paragraph should take you to Wikipedia, the best-known example of what communal editing can achieve. If you want to play, use the Sandbox.

The server is still under construction. The whole thing is editable at the moment, so if you see an error, fix it! If there's something you want but don't know how to do, add it to the WishList.


  • 2016-01-22: Gauteng top student joins ChemEng at UP.
  • 2015-05-05: chemeng.up.ac.za online with the migrated wiki content.

(Older news)

Topical links

Things that are topical/are being discussed now, discussed on the wiki:

Video Lectures

The following youtube channels/playlists are known to be from the department

Many of these videos use Explain Everything and the Jupyter Notebook.

PC setup

Software tools

Venue bookings

Analysis Equipment Booking

//* Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100 FTIR

Engineering 2 Access Control Links

Please select from the following options or visit the Engineering 2 Access Control Information page.

Also note that updates to the access control database will only be implemented on Fridays, requests submitted on a Friday will only be processed the following Friday. This includes request for disabling card access doors.

Undergraduate Program


  • For more information on the undergraduate modules go to the Curriculum
  • The current undergraduate assessment schedules is available here: Assessment Schedules

Final year research project (CSC411)

  • CSC 411 design project project allocation
  • CSC411 project assignment website
  • Signing of student's "Red File"
  • Regular (weekly) signing of student logbooks
  • Do not use mark sheets - these have been replaced by rubrics in ClickUP

Special Examinations

See the faculty rules.

Finalists qualify to apply to write a special exam when they

  • have a maximum of 2 modules (excluding CSC or CPJ) outstanding before they can graduate
  • have had exam entrance for the modules for which they apply.

Apply for a special exam with Admin, Level 6 Eng I. (Mr Makhasa)

Inform the relevant lecturer that you have applied for a special exam & find out about the required preparations. The dates, times & venue for the special exams will be indicated below on the departmental web page


Automatic reference tracking and quick search of papers you read

Quick Links

Staff Links

Group Websites

These sites are starting points for particular research groups within the department.

Educational links

Research links

Undergraduate tech needs

  • Pocket calculators: Casio fx-991es PLUS or fx-570es PLUS or the newer fx-991ex or fx-570ex or SHARP EL-W516
  • Comparison of non-programmable pocket calculators for undergraduate studies can be found here and here
  • Laptop: 15.6", Intel i5 or i7 CPU, >= 4 GB RAM, > 3 USB ports, a/b/g/n/ac WLAN, 1440 x 900 or above display resolution, > 500 GB HDD or 256 GB SSD
  • Tablet: Preferable 9.7 " display
  • Flash disk: > 8 GB USB Memory Stick
  • Printer (laser preferred)

Telephone Directory

Online telephone lists are also available at the following addresses:

  • Tuks LDAP. To use this you must be connected to the UP network.

Analysis Equipment

Several different analytical equipment is available in the department for use by researched and students. These equipment can be used by all with prior arrangement with the Custodian for the specific units. A list of the available analysis and equipment is listed below:

  • Particle size analysis and Zeta potential analysis (PSA)