Main Page
From Chemical Engineering @ UP wiki
Welcome to the Chemical Engineering department's server. It is named after the apocalyptic event in Norse mythology. The main interface is a Wiki, and the links in this paragraph should take you to Wikipedia, the best-known example of what communal editing can achieve. If you want to play, use the Sandbox.
The server is still under construction -- we track progress on the server project using redmine. The whole thing is editable at the moment, so if you see an error, fix it! If there's something you want but don't know how to do, add it to the WishList.
- 2010/08/17: We are now tracking usage statistics using Munin to get an idea of what load Ragnarok is under.
- 2010/05/31: Ragnarok's OS has been upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx). A php downgrade was necessary to get the wiki running, so please report any problems to André.
- 2010/05/27: Ragnarok's OS has been upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala). Services have been checked, but if a problem persists please report it to André.
- 2010/03/26: Ragnarok's OS has been upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope). Services have been checked, but if a problem persists please report it to André.
- 2010/03/16: The wiki's sidebar has been updated. Unused links have been removed and a section to show persistent links added. Contact Carl or André if you need a link added to the sidebar.
Topical links
Things that are topical/are being discussed now, discussed on the wiki:
- Automatic reference tracking and quick search of papers you read
- Setting up VPN to access the shared drives and the wiki from off campus
- Setting up your Backups
- Calculating the UP student number checksum.
- How to upload files on the wiki
- Check computer lab bookings
- View the automatically generated timetables
- Calculating Marks for the exams (and allocating supps)
- the Undergraduate external process
- Using Gmail
- Add your Scopus stats to your website
- CSC 411 design project project allocation
- Managing passwords
Quick Links
- Modules taught by our department
- Shared files
- Workflows
- Documents
- Plagiarism
- Information to help New members of staff
Staff Links
Group Websites
These sites are starting points for particular research groups within the department.
- Process Modelling and Control
- Reaction Engineering
- Tribology
- Fluoro-materials Science
- Institute for Applied Materials
Educational links
- Learn from other's common mistakes.
- Engineering E-Sources of UP