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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
18:53, 10 November 2009 Pmc02ph tankstand after.JPG (file) 620 KB New feed tank stand for pH rig. The loud blue colour was a design choice. 1
18:51, 10 November 2009 Pmc02ph tankstand before.JPG (file) 552 KB Old tank stand for pH rig feed tanks. These are just upturned dust bins. 1
18:48, 10 November 2009 Pmc02ph instruments.JPG (file) 541 KB Instruments on pH rig have been localised. Note the new temperature transmitter housing as well as the new I/P transducers. The cover of pH transmitter 2 has been turned around so that the short wire probe reaches the top tank. The flow indicator/transm 1
15:08, 10 November 2009 Pmc signalgen.JPG (file) 530 KB Signal generator to send custom signals to valves (or other equipment). 1
15:06, 10 November 2009 Pmc pressuretest.JPG (file) 469 KB Pressure meter to test the output of I/P transducers. 1
14:20, 10 November 2009 Pmc07slug rig.JPG (file) 547 KB PMC Rig 07: The slug-flow control rig. (2009/11/10) 1
14:19, 10 November 2009 Pmc05distil rig.JPG (file) 613 KB PMC Rig 05: The small distillation column. (2009/11/10) 1
14:18, 10 November 2009 Pmc03heat rig.JPG (file) 596 KB PMC Rig 03: The temperature control rig. (2009/11/10) 1
14:17, 10 November 2009 Pmc02ph rig.JPG (file) 592 KB PMC Rig 02: The pH control rig. (2009/11/10) 1
14:16, 10 November 2009 Pmc01acetone rig.JPG (file) 547 KB PMC Rig 01: The acetone flashing rig. (2009/11/10) 1