Lab Printer
Using the Printer
Add your computer as a user to the Psserver. Include your computer a memember of the Printer group. This is done in Administrative tools -> Computer Management on Psserver. If you had already tried to add the printer to your computer over the network before doing this, you may need to reboot your computer.
Now, on you computer, use the add printer wizard, add the Hp Laserjet in the Proseslab workgroup belonging to Psserver. You are now ready to print.
Print monitoring is done using shareware call Print Monitor 4.0. The data is exported monthly to a pivot table. This is currently the responsibility of (no one).
New paper and cartridges can be obtained from the HOD secretary. The old cartridges must be handed in for recycling.
I've recently added a printer on Win XP and on Win 7 machines. I assume the above text is no longer valid since there is no description of psserver on the wiki.
For a Win XP do the following (Rather Trivially) :
Start>Settings>Printers and Faxes>R-Click : Add Printer>Next>Network Printer>Connect to Network printer : \\freki\pmcprint
For Win 7 do the following :
Start>Devices and Printers>Add a Printer>Network Printer>Select/Browse : \\freki\pmcprint>
If can't get your proxy settings to work properly on campus then you need to get the HP laserjet 1100 cab files for your Win 7 (64-bit) from here get the AMD 64 driver (or get all of them). Use prnhp001.inf then the install should go smoothly.