Importing data into PDS

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The following steps can be used to import data into PDS for model identification purposes. The identified models can be used in your own application or to implement a Profit Controller. For the latter case one can alternatively set up a Profit Stepper to automate the step testing, Profit stepper will automatically import data into PDS.

  • In PDS create a new file (File > New > Model Dev. File > OK).
  • From the Data Operations pull-down menu select Import From Excel.
  • Browse to your data file and click Open.

The Excel file has to have a specific format. The first and second column's headings must be "Date" and "Time" respectively. From the third column onwards variable names are used as column headings in the form VariableName/Var/CV. i.e. 12TT9001.PV/Var/CV, 12TIC9001.SP/Var/MV. The last argument of the variable name headings indicate if the variable is a controlled variable (CV), a manipulated variable (MV) or a disturbance variable (DV). Variable types can be changed in PDS after the import. Under the Date heading the date is entered in the format dd/mm/yyyy and under the Time heading the time is entered in the format hh:mm:ss. The data elements for the variables at the timestamps in the first two columns are entered under their respective headings.

After the import your step test data will be in PDS and the various model identification algorithms can be used to identfiy plant models.