Level and Flow

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The level and flow control rig


This rig is an interactive level and flow system consisting of two manipulated variables and two controlled variables (2x2 MIMO system) that can be used to investigate a number of alternative APC configurations. This rig is very robust and easy to operate but does require some maintenance on occasion to ensure that all pipe connections and seals are in a good condition.

Previous Projects

This section describes some of the previous projects that was done on the level and flow rig to give you an idea of what has been done and where you can find the results obtained. Most important data contained in this section is information about what models were used/developed (if you want to reuse models) and what control strategies were employed (if you want to compare your results to something specific).

Norbertin Nkoghe Eyeghe, 2012

Rig Modifications: The various modifications and updates that were done on the Level & Flow rig were as follows:

  • The pressure regulator device, supplying pressure to the rig was changed as the previous one was not working.
  • Level indicator measuring scale(with paper tape) were put up on the level measuring tank. The level scale varies from bottom (0) to top (22).
  • The flow meter was opened and the inside wire connections were solded, as it was not working in the early stage of the project.
  • The Flow meter was stuck with super glue so as to keep it still during operation and avoid noise in the process level measurement.
  • A T-junction fitting was added on the pipe connected to the orange valve so that it could service any other rig if need for that be. The slug flow rig used it as it experienced some issues with its own valve.

Control Strategy: The control strategy investigated was that of a linear MPC controller implementation on the rig. The intended objective for this project was to investigate the impact that the rig charateristics of deadtime, interaction and occurence of unmeasured disturbance could have on the rig. That objective had not quite successfully achieved as the controller tuning used seemed not to be adequate for proper closed loop simulation of the rig to be observed.

Matlab interface: The matlab interface was updated from those of previous projects. It was created so as to switch from openloop operation to closed loop operation by merely changing the positions of the switches on the Simulink model. It was named: LevelFlow_MPC_2012_final. All communication with the OPTO22 ENET B3000 brain (OPTO1)were working well at the time of the project.

  • Alternatively, the rig intrumentation can be connected to the OPC server in the aim testing the brain activity by entering the following:
  • IPAddress:ItemType.Pointnumber.
  • As an example: connecting all intrumentation wired to the SNAP module on position 0 on the rack1 of OPTO1, one could type. and observe if the ETD indication of the brain is blinking to say there communication with the brain. The connection to the control valves wired to the SNAP on position1 would be: . State is used for digital point and EU for analog point. Refer to the brain user guide/manual on the OPTO link on the ragnarok wikipage for more info.

Controller implementation:The designed controller was, in the end, implemented to the system derived continuous model and simulations were simply run from within MATLAB.

Identification of rig model: The rig model was derived from the MATLAB System Identification Toolbox. The rig step test data were used to fit a model that was then converted to a continuous transfer function.

Shown Breytenbach, 2011

Control Strategy: Implement a theoretical controller. The time based controller uses the maximum amount of tank capacity to ensure that the least amount of changes are made to the flow.

Matlab interface: A new matlab interface was created as the old one did not work on the new version of matlab. This included the following files:

  • FlowLevel.m - OPTO22 interface file.
  • waitforreal.m - real time clock for simulink.
  • Rig_live.mdl - simulink interface that receives inputs between 0 -100% and gives output in 0-100% for the level and gpm or L/min for the flow.

Controller implementation: The controller was implemented successfully and all communications worked correctly. The controller performed as expected during the test.

Other notes: The system showed high interaction between the two contol loops. System parameters:

  • Max flow (both valves): 8.4L/min.
  • Max flow (one valve): 7.3L/min.
  • Tank capacity: 10.9L
  • Dimensions: 24cm(diameter) x 24cm

Lizette Verster, 2010

Control Strategy: Dynamic Matrix Control using Aspen DMCplus software. The control objective was to maintain the level and flow rate between specified lower and upper limits while gradually driving the level to a set point.

Model Identification: Manual step testing (open loop). Identified models with Aspen DMCplus Model. The model chosen was a finite impulse response (FIR) model with the time to steady state at 10 minutes.

Models: Convolution models in the time domain. Medium Quality - models relating level to control valve position was very good but not so for the models relating flow rate to control valve position.

Francois Pieterse, 2009

Control Strategy: Model Predictive Control making use of ranged control algorithm to minimise MV move effort and optimiser to determine economic operating point.

Model Identification: Manual step testing. Identified models with Honeywell Profit Design Studio.

Models: Linear. Transfer function Matrix. Low Quality.

Rig Problems

As with any design, there are a couple of fundamental problems with the design of the level and flow rig. This section is used to document these problems that, should the need to ever rebuild the rig arise, the persons responsible can have a complete list of all the pitfalls of the previous design so that they can attempt to correct them.

- There was no way to drain the system. A valve to drain the system was included to allow one to remove/replace equipment without causing a spill.

- The level probe was not fixed to the tank 04TK001 that resulted in significant noise in the measurements since the probe was free to move and the discharging flow into the tank resulted in significant turbulence around the level probe. To remedy this positioners were mounted to ensure the level probe remains in position. A false bottom was also installed in the tank to minimise saturation of the level measurements.

- The pumps are different. Technically you shouldn't put different sized pumps in parallel although the pumps may have similar charachteristics even though they have different physical sizes.

- The pumps cannot be blocked in or isolated individually. At the time this comment was added the small pump was broken and alot of the head delivered by the big pump was dicipated by recirulating flow through the small pump. The ideal solution is using check valves although this may be unecesarily expensive. Hand valves to block out a pump in the event of failure should be included.

- Upon re-commissioning of the rig after an extended shutdown period it is required to prime the system to achieve flow through the dead time element and into 04TK001. This can be achieved by closing gate valve 04FV001 and filling 04TK003 half with water, stopping the pumps and opening both the control valves fully, 04CV001 and 04CV002. Thereafter the system can be filled with water from the feed pipe into the dead time element. Ensure all other gate valves are in the appropriate position to purge all the air from the system. Upon completion open 04FV001 and start the pumps with a full system.