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Latest revision as of 10:21, 25 March 2009

Science Direct

Change the Proxy Configuration Script (under Preferences\Advanced\Proxies in Mozilla or Lan Connections in Internet Explorer's Internet Options\Connections\Lan Connections) to:


You will not have the download costs includes on your internet accout (see: intacc.up.ac.za). Note that this configuration will not work for external websites. You will need to change the configuration script back to:


to access external internet pages. In Mozilla, one could always create a special ScienceDirect profile.

If you are using a computer withe Novell Client on it and you want to use your normal Eng Lab access use:


Note: This should only be used for the Novell accounts.


Use http://0-www.wikipedia.org.innopac.up.ac.za/

Sadly you will need to load pictures (and therefore equations) using your proxy account :P In fact if you append -0 and lash .innopac.up.ac.za to the end of the URL of many academic sites, you can visit for free! Try some .edu sites or google scholor and the oxford english dictionary.