PH Loop

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The pH control rig

PH control is a difficult problem due to the highly non-linear nature of the system. The steep slope of the titration curve around the pH = 7 point amplifies pH variations for even small base/acid addition variations. The pH control rig in the PMC lab illustrates that pH control is by no means impossible (albeit on a laboratory scale).

Current/Previous projects


F.J. Botha, Ondersoek van die Dinamiese Gedrag van Sisteme waar pH Gemeet en Beheer word {Investigation of the Dynamic Behaviour of Systems where pH is Measured and Controlled}
[Hard copy of report available in pH rig folder]


T. Leeuw & G. Mascini, pH Rig 2003 - CPL780 Process Control Laboratory
Report | Project files


A.J. Swanepoel & M. Swanepoel (Botha), Model Based Control Laboratory, pH Control
Report | Project files


C. Steyn, Fuzzy Logic Rule-Based Controller Design, Neutralization of Strong Acid with Strong Base
Report | Project files


A.H. Campher, Maintenance, Modelling and Control of the pH-control Rig
Report | Project files


A.B. De Jongh, Control of a pH neutralisation system using Gain Scheduling
Report | Project files


S.C. Burd, Non-Linear Model Predictive Control of a pH Neutralization Process
Report | Project files


Large scale renaming of instruments, valves and tanks is being done. This renders all previous rig diagrams obsolete. Only 2009-updated diagrams should henceforth be used.

Piping & Instrumentation diagrams

(Visio) | .PDF

Wiring diagrams

.VSD (Visio) | .PDF

Connecting the pH rig to the OPTO22 system

The attachment gives details about operating the pH rig from the Simulink environment and connecting it to the OPTO22 system. Document

Rig maintenance

The maintenance of the pH rig is documented here.